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Commander B.D.F Message to our Troops (COVID-19)
Almighty and Eternal God
You know the longings of men’s heart and you protect their rights.
In your goodness watch over; protect and bless the officer, soldiers, civilians and family members of the
Belize Defence Force. Grant that through their personal sacrifices and generosity
People all over the country may enjoy freedom, security, stability, prosperity and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
The nation of Belize has been placed under the restricted clamp down of the COVID 19 virus. This virus has affected 209 countries and territories around the world and has generated fear, distress and anxiety not to mention the increasing numbers of death.
Despite the external forces of noise and confusion at play, we can always be influenced by attitudes, training and professionalism. Let these now emanate Confidence, Determination and Bravery.
Be confident, believe in yourself. Know with all certainty that you can and will accomplish the task at hand. Focus on the greater good no matter the circumstances around you. Do not focus on the obstacle in front of you but be determined to overcome. You are more than prepared to adopt and overcome comparable to our many Jungle fighting training. Rest assured measures has been put in place to secure and maintain communication with your families and love one. The Association of the B.D.F Families in partnership with Force Headquarters will remain in communication in order to render assistance and encouragement where needed.
Determination is your greatest reward. Make a firm decision and be resolved not to change it. We are adamant, unwavering in our attempt to protect the people of this Nation. We remain unshaken, relentless and unbending in our mission to assist in the eradication of this treacherous pandemic, COVID 19 that has embezzled the freedom and peace that our people duly enjoyed.
In order to defeat this invisible enemy your boldness is in high demand. This enemy is like no other. He has no physical attributes, and his mannerisms are camouflaged, which means w must remain alert at all times. Safeguard those working with you and around you. We rely on the professionals that you are; to be demonstrated and be evident in your performance, habits and conduct to those in your proximity and daily communications.
This mission is highly strenuous and requires absolute allegiance to those we protect from harm and danger. Although our affirmation resides with the freedom of the people of this Nation, I need to reiterate; safety is priority. Adhere to suggestions, recommendation and directives give as advisory and orders. Finally, lest us solider on Shoulder to Shoulder with Country on our mind and God in our hearts; knowing he is the author and finisher of our faith. We place our trust and hope in the one who sees all things, know all things and has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. May the favor and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be our protection during this time, as we endeavor to maintain freedom, security, stability, prosperity and peace as our commitment to this nation.